Candlelight Meditation


Place a candle on the table straight in front of you and level with your eyes, 3 to 4 feet in front of you. Make sure there is minimal air movement. 

Assume a posture you can maintain for 10 minutes. 

Light the candle

Gazing downward, take 4 conscious breaths, in and out, fostering relaxation.

Slowly raise your eyes and begin to gaze at the flame.  Find a distraction free breathing rhythm. 

You'll find that if you focus your gaze on a single object, it has the ability to capture your undivided attention. Have you found yourself a world away, lost in thought, mesmerized, sitting by a fire, while writing a sentence, gazing at the moon? 

Did it feel as if you were captured in time? Did you feel rested upon returning to the present? This is a practice in candle gazing, in order to begin becoming skilled in concentration to the highest levels. We will still our minds, let go of all distractions and focus only on the flame before us. Candle Gazing meditation may improve memory, as it fosters stress relief and individual awareness. 

Candlelight Meditation

Using a soft focused vision, concentrate on the flame and do your best to limit your blinking. 

Do your best to be motionless during your practice. 

Focus on an are of the flame, avoiding the candle or the wick. 

When thoughts come to mind, acknowledge them, then bring your focus and awareness back to the flame. 

If your eyes begin to water, close them briefly, trying to visualize the image of the flame. Bring this image to the center of your forehead, known as the Third Eye. 

The Third Eye Chakra provides perception beyond ordinary sight. 

If you lose the image and or your eyes feel rested, softly open your eyes and bring your gaze back to the flame. 

Take 7 or 8 deep, conscious breaths in and out. 

Repeat the gazing routine. 

After our 2nd cycle of gazing, breathe in deeply and on a slow out breath, blow out the frame. 

At this time, sit quietly in silent meditation. bring to mind the image of the flame. Begin a body scan, feeling the warmth of the flame fill your body. 

Reverse the body scan to the top of your head or the Crown Chakra. The crown chakra is the center for trust, devotion, inspiration, happiness and positivity. It's also the center for deeper connection to ourselves and deeper connection with a force of live that is greater than ourselves.

Keeping your eyes closed, take several cleansing breaths, move your hands and wiggle your toes.

Slowly extend your right hand up and place it above your left ear. Gently stretch your neck to the right. When you feel ready, do the same to the other side. Take a moment to nod your head, yes and no. Beginning with your gaze downward, flutter your eyes open and bring them slowly to the horizon. Become aware of your place in the room. 

Do you feel calm? Relaxed? At peace?